Sub Rosa Dictum - Space Intruders

Seitenansicht einer Frau mit Lederjacke und Bikerhelm. Sie lehnt an einem Gerüst mit großer Neonlichtaufschrift
A mysterious Space Mistress
– based on “Space Oddity” by David Bowie –
Ground Control to Mistress J
Ground Control to Mistress J
Take your power pills and put your latex on
Ground Control to Mistress J
10, 9, 8, 7, 6,
Commencing countdown, strap-on on
5, 4, 3,
Check your heels and may all your kinks be with you
2, 1, lift off

abstract, galactic cloud

This is how the Subrosa Dictum Space Intruders announces itself and in fact the boiler house looks almost like a NASA station. Oversized LED panels stand on the large dance floor and the white curtains to the booth against the industrial walls of the hall create a unique atmosphere. The party in Munich's Kesselhaus has been one of the largest and most successful events in Europe for years. Christian's team has been throwing parties for 15 years, now all over Europe. This time there was an elaborate fashion fair with a show beforehand – the Avantgardista.

Back to this Saturday, where our Naturally Naughty team was represented with a booth and was able to fire up the supernatural audience with shots, samples and our products. After the doors opened at 10 p.m., the large dance floor and the two galleries quickly filled with beautiful people in outfits. Again and again we encounter creatures in elaborate costumes made of leather, latex and lacquer, full of glitter and sequin stones to look like apparitions from the cosmos.

We're standing right at the entrance to the second dance floor, from which techno is booming from 12 p.m., next to us is a black booting station, i.e. a boot cleaning station, behind the large photo wall. Of course, we get some raised eyebrows "ginger spray?". But after a taste of our shot, a sample is packed - after all, there are two spacious play areas where it can be tried out directly. Of course, some already know the product, and over the course of the evening happy people keep coming to tell us about their experiences. A lady picks up a sprayer before every trip to the EDM Dark Floor. "It keeps you warm and makes you want to dance." The audience at Sub Rosa Dictum, very different from the Munich cliché, is open and fun, looking for fun and a hot evening - we're happy to help.

When our team packs up the stand at two o'clock because there are no more samples left, we are in joyful anticipation. For us, too, it's now over the two dance floors, watching the shows, into the playroom and of course right into the middle of the unique crowd, which gives this party its special appeal.


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