March 8th is International Women’s Day!

Schwarz-Weiss Foto einer Frau, die eine geballte Faust in den Himmel streckt

We are at the Pervy Muse in Leipzig this weekend and are supporting the team there. But how can we actually live feminism more in our everyday lives and support FLINTAS more in our lives? 

What exactly is the International Women's Day?

International Women's Day was founded in 1911 by Clara Zetkin to strengthen women's rights. Today it is increasingly referred to as "feminist struggle day" or "women's struggle day".

International Women's Day has been celebrated since 1911 to raise awareness of women's rights and gender equality worldwide. This day honors the achievements of the women's rights movement, but at the same time draws attention to existing discrimination and inequality. It is intended to encourage people to actively work for gender equality.

In 2025, International Women's Day will have different mottos. The United Nations is focusing on gender equality with the slogan "For ALL women and girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment." They are committed to equal rights, power and opportunities so that no one is left behind - especially with a view to strengthening the next generation. The UN Women Germany association is also taking up this theme and is celebrating the day under the motto "For ALL women and girls" on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. This year's Women's Day is a call to action: the promotion of women's and girls' rights, gender equality and the strengthening of empowerment must be pushed forward with greater emphasis.

The International Women's Day campaign has chosen the motto "Accelerate Action" for 2025. According to the World Economic Forum, at the current rate of progress, it would take until 2158 - about five generations - to achieve full gender parity. Achieving this goal more quickly requires increased momentum and urgency, especially in overcoming systemic barriers and biases that women face in both their personal and professional lives.

Why do we also talk about feminist struggle day?

Historical renaming:
Originally, the day was called "International Women's Strike Day". Later, "International Women's Day" prevailed. Since 2017/2018, terms such as "Women's Struggle Day" have returned to emphasize the strike aspect.

Strike & Inclusion:
Inspired by protests in South America, many people today consciously speak of a "day of struggle" to include not only women, but also queer and trans people. The Alliance for Sexual Self-Determination has been using "international women's day of struggle" since 2013 to make this diversity visible.

Why “Feminist Struggle Day”?
This term is used most frequently because it clearly refers to feminism and structural inequality. While "Women's Day" sounds more neutral, "Feminist Struggle Day" underlines the political struggle for equality.

How can you show support?

This year there will be demonstrations and actions throughout Germany that you can support. Look for demo dates, actions or festivals in your city; we have attached a demo list below.

Consume feminist media: whether it's books, podcasts, music, Instagram or art! There are a lot of media that you can use to educate yourself and help feminist artists.

Support feminist places: cafes, restaurants, shops or even online brands that are run and operated by FLINTA* people! Many of these places also offer information for education and participation in

Spread Awareness: We can only raise awareness of inequalities if we inform ourselves about them, educate ourselves and demonstrate against them! Sharing on your social media also helps!

Conclusion: Gifts are always nice! But flowers alone don't mean equality. 


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