Make it Juicy - Tips against vaginal dryness

Eine aufgeschnittene Honigmelone um. Es soll als Symbol für Thema Vaginaltrockenheit dienen

Disclaimer: Not all women have vulvas and not all people with vulvas are women. We refer here tolerably to anatomical sex.

Vaginal dryness, not exactly what you chat about with friends over a glass of sparkling wine. When it comes to this problem, one tends to think of older women or menopause. Many young women are also affected by this problem. Even in 2022 people are reluctant to talk about this topic. After all, you are in the sexual prime of life. Vaginal dryness is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of.

What is the function of getting wet?

The vaginal flora mainly consists of different types of lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli). The moisture is not only a sign of arousal, but also ensures that the vagina remains healthy. Because without moisture, the right bacteria that prevent infections and fungi cannot multiply. Dryness can even lead to fine cracks or inflamed skin, which in turn can quickly lead to inflammation and infection.

Of course, moisture also has a function in sexual acts with others or oneself. It is considered a natural lubricant to facilitate penetration or stimulation. If there is a lack of moisture, it can quickly become uncomfortable, painful or cause irritation.

What causes vaginal dryness?

The reasons for this are very subjective and can vary widely. After all, every vulva depends on a different person. As mentioned at the beginning, vaginal dryness is often associated with menopause. This is because estrogen levels drop during this time. The skin and mucous membranes of the vagina become thinner and more easily injured, and the vulva is less supplied with blood. A drop in estrogen levels is also typical after the removal of the ovaries, after childbirth, during breastfeeding and as a side effect of chemotherapy.

Certain medical conditions also promote vaginal dryness. This also includes high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, endometriosis, multiple sclerosis, the period after vaginal thrush or an HPV infection. These can occur at any age and promote vaginal dryness.

The psychological state can also have an effect, because our bodies work very closely together in these things. If you feel a lot of stress, anxiety or nervousness, then this is reflected in the arousal. Pressure from partners:Inside can also lead to dryness. If you don't feel comfortable with your own sexuality, the other person or the actions, this affects the arousal.

It's often about external influences. For example, contraceptives and other medications can attack the vaginal flora through their effects. The excessive consumption of alcohol, tobacco or other substances are also among the causes. Especially with young people it is often the exaggerated intimate hygiene that destroys the bacteria. It's about detergent, soap or perfume.

Fingers glide over sliced citrus fruit

What helps with vaginal dryness?

First of all, it is important that any external remedy only helps for a short time. Vaginal dryness is often related to stress and physical tension. Autogenic training or yoga can minimize stress and also revive sexuality. Switching to less aggressive care products and from tampons to period underwear can also help against hormonal dryness.

If the vaginal dryness is a result of estrogen deficiency, over-the-counter and hormone-free preparations against vaginal dryness can be tried. If there is pain and vaginal dryness during intercourse, a moisturizer or lube can be used to relieve the discomfort. Changing pills can also help relieve vaginal dryness in some women.

Naturally Naughty Ginger Spray

Naturally Naughty's Ginger Spray also helps produce natural moisture. This is where the pungent substances in ginger come into play. Similar to a hot sauce that makes your mouth water, this stimulates the formation of moisture in the mucous membranes. In addition, the outer and inner labia where the spray was sprayed swell. This makes them more sensitive and makes you aroused more easily. In small doses, the spray causes a warm tingling sensation and a slight burning sensation. This feels very intense at first but quickly becomes a fiery feeling when touched. If you like it a little harder, you can experiment with a higher dose.

That means: our spray makes you moist and hot! It's sleek and sexy. While other remedies may feel awkward and stressful, our spray leads to an intimate exchange.

Natural Remedies and Products for Vaginal Dryness

Many people seek gentle, natural remedies to alleviate vaginal dryness. Popular methods include water-based lubricants, specially designed for sensitive vaginal tissues, and plant-based products that naturally stimulate moisture production. An innovative product that’s gaining positive feedback is the Naturally Naughty Ginger Spray. Its unique ingredients not only promote natural moisture but also create a pleasant, stimulating sensation – perfect for those seeking a sensual experience.

Other options include hormone-free moisturizing creams and special vaginal gels that support a healthy vaginal flora and provide long-term relief from dryness. Proper intimate care also plays an important role – avoiding harsh soaps and excessive hygiene protects the delicate tissues and helps maintain natural balance.


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